Friday, September 5, 2008


Communicating with our babies is such a wonderful way to spend the day! What a joy to see those little eyes light up and interact with us.

I had the pleasure to meet up with Sara from WeeHands last year when our kids played Soccer together and through many conversations on the sidelines of the soccer field I got to learn of her amazing work and I wanted to share her the excitement with you.

Sara Bingham is the founder of WeeHands and the author of The Baby Signing Book. WeeHands is the world's leading children's sign language and language development program for babies, toddlers and preschool children.WeeHands was founded by Sara Bingham, author of The Baby Signing Book and one of Canada's Top Ten Mompreneurs. Since 2001, across North America licensed WeeHands Instructors have taught thousands of families and caregivers to sign with their children. In a WeeHands baby sign language class, you and your family are taught by a qualified instructor to use American Sign Language signs, songs and language development strategies with your little one!



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